How to receive sms without a phone number


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Top 10 free sites to receive SMS online

Is pretty easy to receive sms without a sim card (phone number), there are many websites that offers this numbers for free and you can use they to receive sms codes like the codes used by WhatsApp or Telegram.


But these apps or sites like Facebook, maybe don't accept the fake number or temporary number, call whatever you want. They can identify the virtual number as a invalid number. So the best chance you have is to generate a number and test if you can receive the sms code.

The list below has websites with numbers from different country like China, India, Germany, Brazil ...
If you are a Android user, there are apps that offer free numbers too! Check it out the list below:
Comment below others sites or apps with free numbers! Consider sharing this article with your friends.


Este artigo é uma adaptação de dois artigos já publicados em português, aqui e aqui.



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Limon Tec: How to receive sms without a phone number
How to receive sms without a phone number
Top 10 free sites to receive SMS online
Limon Tec
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