How to run Link Building in a proper way


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As administrators of a website one of our greatest aspirations should be to achieve maximum dissemination of its content. Whether it is an informative website or an e-commerce or a services page, the number of visits is what will contribute category and mark differences with similar websites.

As administrators of a website one of our greatest aspirations should be to achieve maximum dissemination of its content. Whether it is an informative website or an e-commerce or a services page, the number of visits is what will contribute category and mark differences with similar websites. For this the positioning in the Google results page is paramount. We do not discover anything new to tell you that climbing SERP above is the goal of any self-respecting SEO. The strategies to achieve this go through many different techniques: SEO on page, pay-per-click campaigns, correct use of the keywords for which we want to position ... Today we are going to expand on one of the techniques that can bring us more satisfactions while we respect a series of rules: the Link Building! However, if you want professional results, hiring Links Management service is suggested.

Link Building

In a few words, the link building aims to ensure that our website receives the largest possible number of links from external websites. The incoming links fulfill a double function: on the one hand they increase our category and on the other they manage to increase the traffic of visits. The higher the category of the domain that binds us, the higher percentage our page will receive (as long as the link is followed) so if we are able to achieve backlinks from authoritative domains and high PRs we have a half eye of Google turned towards us. How do we get Google to send spiders to see what is going on in our website? The ways to get a link are as varied as the vision of each of you, but it would not hurt to know some fixed guidelines that usually give good results:

Inclusion in directories

The Internet is full of directories, both specific and general. There are free and there are paid (and this is not always indicative of its quality). We will always look for the specific directory for our benefit (if we want to optimize a web of sneakers, we will look for specific directories of fashion, footwear, sports ...) so Google sees that the chain of links maintains a certain criterion and naturalness and gives it validity.

You will often find that many directories offer memberships that will increase the quality of the link, placing it in prominent places on the web, allowing the inclusion of deep links, or placing it on pages with more category (at a higher level such as "sports" in favor of a secondary as "sports equipment") In these cases it is your nose that has to determine how much you spend and what benefits you can get.

Learn to differentiate a quality directory and discard other alternatives such as link farms, spam websites, or promises about miraculous positioning in a month. Even "mandatory" inclusion directories in a linkbuilding campaign because of their prestige; they have literally been left with one hand in front and another behind when being considered as link managers without quality.

Action with bloggers

Following the example, if sports shoes are your thing, you will almost certainly find lots of blogs from which a link to your website makes a lot of sense. Blogs related to sports in general, with footwear, with fashion, blogs that deal with health even, may be interested in the benefits of your polycarbonate sole on the foot, etc ...

The objective here is to create a content that the blogger of which we intend a link value as worthy to appear on your blog. It will be very good for him to have content that will enrich his blog, and you will receive part of his flow of visitors that you can then build loyalty to your advantage. If the blogger in question sells the link or asks for a reciprocal link on your website, it is a question that you must weigh yourself.



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Limon Tec: How to run Link Building in a proper way
How to run Link Building in a proper way
As administrators of a website one of our greatest aspirations should be to achieve maximum dissemination of its content. Whether it is an informative website or an e-commerce or a services page, the number of visits is what will contribute category and mark differences with similar websites.
Limon Tec
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